About Us
Diana Nichols
I’ve been building websites for clients since 1995, when the Web was just a toddler. A lot has changed since then, to say the least. The challenge of staying up to date with this evolving technology keeps me on my toes.
Before going out on my own in 2000 (as Lavender Threads, Inc.), I was Executive Vice President of a Web design firm employing 15 designers and developers.
I’ve also been a life coach, a business and creativity coach, taught marketing to Realtors, produced national trade shows and conferences, and am a part-time artist.
My life-long love of computers, technology, and creativity (and writing code) fuel my passion for creating websites.
and company
A trusted community of associates help me stay proficient with all the moving parts that make up a successful Web presence. From copywriting to SEO services to social media marketing to hosting to logo/brand design – I work with skilled specialists to provide the very highest level of service to each of my clients.

builder of Websites . solver of puzzles . caretaker of Web things . baker of breads . painter of canvases . corrector of grammar . lover of all beaches . player of games . fan of British TV . one-of-four sisters . spoiler of grandchildren . mother of three . happy partner of Mitch
When you work with us. . .
You’re not just hiring a set of hands for a few hours.You also benefit from:- the years of life and business experience we’ve had in practical application
- the hours we continually spend studying and learning
- the many, many mistakes we’ve made – and learned from
- the dollars we continue to invest in training and tools
- the huge WordPress support community we are an active part of